Evaluating Expressions

Expressions can be evaluated with vm.evalStr. The first argument is the type that should be returned. If you do not care about the return value, fizz.Val can be used to hold any value returned by the VM.

Any fizz.Val that is returned is guaranteed to exist until the next garbage collection run. Use a concrete Zig type, (e.g. []u8) to ensure that an allocator is used to extend the lifetime.

fn evalStr(self: *fizz.Vm, T: type, allocator: std.mem.allocator, expr: []const u8) !T
  • self: Pointer to the virtual machine.
  • allocator: Allocator used to allocate any slices or strings in T. bool, int, float, void, and structs do not require any memory allocations to convert their return value.
  • expr: Lisp expression to evaluate. If multiple expressions are provided, the return value will contain the value of the final expression.
const fizz = @import("fizz");
var vm = try fizz.Vm.init(allocator);
const val = try fizz.evalStr(i64, allocator, "(+ 1 2)");

Extracting Values

Values from the Fizz VM are extracted from fizz.Vm.evalStr. They can also manually be extracted from a fizz.Val by calling vm.toZig.

fn toZig(self: *fizz.Vm, comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, val: fizz.Val) !T
  • self: A pointer to the VM.
  • T: The desired output Zig type. If no conversion is desired, fizz.Val will return the raw Value object.
  • allocator: Memory allocator for any string or slice allocations.
  • val: The input value to be converted


fn buildStringInFizz(allocator: std.mem.allocator, vm: *fizz.Vm) ![]const u8 {
   const val = try vm.evalStr(fizz.Val, allocator, "(str-concat (list \"hello\" \" \" \"world\"))");
   const string_val = try vm.toZig([]const u8, val);
   return string_val;

Supported Conversions

  • void: Converts from none. None is often returned by expressions that don’t typically return values like (define x 1).
  • bool: Either true or false.
  • i64: Fizz integers.
  • f64: Can convert from either a Fizz int or a Fizz float.
  • []u8 or []const u8: Converts from Fizz strings. Requires allocations.
  • []T or []const T: Converts from a Fizz list where T is a supported conversion.
    • Supports nested lists (e.g., [][]f64).
    • Requires allocating a list and possibly more allocations depending on the type of T.
  • struct{..} - Converts from a Fizz struct, (e.g., (struct 'x 1 'y 2)).
    • May require allocations if any subtypes of the struct require an allocation.


Fizz structs may be parsed as Zig types. Zig types are extracted by field name, with the snake_case field names mapping to kebab-case. For example, my_field will be derived from my-field.

const TestType = struct {
    // Will be derived from `my-string field with a string.
    my_string: []const u8,
    // Will be derived from 'my-list field with a list of ints.
    my_list: []const i64,
    // Will be derived from 'nested field with the appropriate struct.
    nested: struct { a: i64, b: f64 },

const src = \\(struct
\\ 'my-string "hello world!"
\\ 'my-list   (list 1 2 3 4)
\\ 'nested (struct 'a 1 'b 2.0)
const result = try vm.evalStr(TestType, std.testing.allocator, src);
defer allocator.free(result.my_string);
defer allocator.free(result.my_list);

Memory Management

Fizz is a garbage collected language. As the program runs, it will allocate memory as needed. However, when the memory is not needed, it will stick around until either Vm.deinit or when the vm periodically runs Vm.runGc. The gc strategy may be set by calling: vm.env.gc_strategy = <strategy>;. The possible strategies are:


The garbage collector automatically runs every 256 function calls. This counts any internal function calls and the initial entrance. For example, vm.evalStr(..., "(+ 1 2 3)") has 2 function calls, the initial enstance call and the call to +.


The garbage collector is never invoked automatically. It must be manually invoked with runGc.

const fizz = @import("fizz");
var vm = try fizz.Vm.init(allocator);
defer vm.deinit();

// Do stuff

// Run GC to free up some memory.
try vm.runGc();

Value Lifetimes

A Value that require allocation (anything that is not a none, bool, int or float) is not guaranteed to live passed an eval call due to garbage collection. Note that this only applies to fizz.Val. Values that have been converted, like []u8, have been allocated using the passed in allocator.

const example_val = try vm.evalStr(Val, allocator, "\"test\"");
const example_str = try vm.evalStr([]const u8, allocator, "\"test\"");
defer allocater.free(example_str);

// Can make use of example_val and example_str over here.

const other_val = try vm.evalStr(i64, allocator, "10");
// example_val is now invalid as evalStr may have run the garbage collector.
// example_str is ok as it was allocated with allocator.

To extend the lifetime of the value, call Vm.keepAlive to keep the value alive and Vm.allowDeath to allow the garbage collector to clean it up.

const example_val = try vm.evalStr(Val, allocator, "\"test\"");
try vm.keepAlive(example_val);
defer vm.allowDeath(example_val);
const example_str = try vm.evalStr([]const u8, allocator, "\"test\"");
defer allocater.free(example_str);

// Can make use of example_val and example_str over here.

const other_val = try vm.evalStr(i64, allocator, "10");
// Can make use of example_val as keepAlive ensures it is not garbage collected.
// example_str is ok as it was allocated with allocator.



Fizz uses the standard Zig error mechanism, but also stores error logs under vm.env.errors. The current errors can be printed by:

fn printErrors(vm: *fizz.Vm) void {
    std.debug.print("VM Errors: {any}\n", .{vm.env.errors});

Printing Values

Fizz values may contain identifiers that are internal to the Vm. To properly format a fizz.Val, call fizz.Val.formatter to provide a Vm.

const val = try vm.evalStr(fizz.Val, allocator, "(struct 'id 0 'name \"Will\")");
std.debug.print("Formatted value is: {any}", .{val.formatter(null)});
// (struct 'symbol-#43 0 'symbol-#44 "Will")
std.debug.print("Better formatted value is: {any}", .{val.formatter(&vm)});
// (struct 'id 0 'name "Will")

Custom Functions

Unstable, WIP! The function signature of custom functions and representation of fizz.Val may change.

Custom functions written in Zig may be registered with Vm.registerGlobalFn and invoked within the VM.

fn beep(vm: *fizz.Vm, args: []const fizz.Val) fizz.NativeFnError!fizz.Val {

try vm.registerGlobalFn("beep!", beep)
_ = try vm.evalStr(fizz.Val, allocator, "(beep!)")

For some examples, see https://github.com/wmedrano/fizz/blob/main/src/builtins.zig.

Instantiating Fizz Values

All values in Fizz are represented by fizz.Val. Some may be trivially constructed, however, types that require extra memory must be allocated with a fizz.Vm.

  • none - .none
  • bool - .{.boolean = true}
  • int - .{.int = 1}
  • float - .{float = 1.0}
  • string - try vm.env.memory_manager.allocateStringVal("my-string")
  • list - try vm.env.memory_manager.allocateListOfNone(4)
  • struct - Not yet supported.
  • function - TODO: Add documentation.